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  • Here can be your text advertising (available styles: Block, Scrolling, Floating, Fixed.) Contact us for price and more info. Our contacts click here
    The end of the year is a time of year for remembrance. We take stock of where we came from, and have a moment to think about where we are going, as we pursue the future with hope. May your new year be all that you hope for, and may it be sprinkled with love and friendship. L2jTop team wish you Happy Holidays!
  • Dear members and visitors, we are moving on new domain L2JTOP.COM and have made many changes in website scripts and design. If you are using our API, you must change the API URL on your server (the API key is the same, you don’t need to change, but please take a moment to check). If you have any issue dont hesitate to contact with us. For any bug report you will be rewarded with 30 days premium on your server.
    Our contacts click here
  1. DukeAwesome

    Lineage 2 PS Discord

    Greetings , i am here to provide you a new Discord Channel. This channel is for everyone that deals with Lineage 2 from the Admin to the casual player. In this discord channel you can advertise your Private Server for free if you are an Admin or a GM. Also you can show us how your cp is beating...
  2. DukeAwesome

    EN Lineage 2 Elite

    Hey guys! I'm here to remind you the first L2 server that many of us played and show you how it becomes today! The flagship of Lineage 2 Private servers Lineage 2 Elite Lineage 2 Elite is a server that the most players of Lineage 2 have played and it's still alive and full updated...
  3. DukeAwesome

    EN Diablo 4 Cinematic

    Diablo 4 looks awesome ! Taste it from this EPIC cinematic !
  4. DukeAwesome

    Guide How to buy Advertising for your server

    Hello community. This is a guide how to buy advertising for your server in our site ! 1st) Press at Advertising button 2nd) After you have to choose the advertise you want 3rd) You have to Login if you have an account or Register if you haven't 4th) Lets say that we select the...
  5. DukeAwesome

    Guide How to add your server to our Site

    Hello community. This is a guide how to add your Server at our site! 1st) And press "Add Server" Button 2nd) If you don't have any account create one or press at Login and rype your credentials 3rd) After that complete your server informations 4th) After of the fulfill you have...
  6. DukeAwesome

    Npc NPC Collection

    Hi guys!!! I create that npcs for you!! I hope you like it... GM-shop Download : Here Augumenter Download : Here Warehouse Download : Here Auction Download : Here Raid Boss Gate Keeper Download : Here Gatekeeper Download : Here Buffer...
  7. DukeAwesome

    Guide How To Make Ur Own Buttons And Icon At Npc(+Pic)

    In this topic i will try to show you how you can add an icon/button in your npc ! First of all you have to download some programs 1st) Adobe Photoshop 2nd) An encrypter and UnrealED 3rd) Encdec Program Icon in NPC like that ( ) We have to creatre an icon (I use Adobe Photoshop CS6...