Start on November 22, 2019 at 19:00 GMT+3
Basic moments
Rate EXP - x10
Rate SP - x10
Adena - x5
Drop - x2
Quest - x2
Spoil - x3
Raid Boss Drop - x1
Epic Boss Drop Rate - x1
Rate Quest Drop - x2
Inventory Size Increased to 200
Maximum Tolerance Modifier - x10
Maximum enchantment: weapon 35, armor 25, jewelry 25
Safe enchantment +3 (Full Armor +4)
Bonus for enchantment from a prem account 2%
You can learn all the skills from any profession
The maximum number of skills that can be learned per character = 500
In the main profession, skills are learned automatically
Professionals are taken in alt + b
Buff time increased
Weapon restrictions removed on all buffs:
Ability to use dance with any weapon
Ability to use totems with any weapon
Setting and changing rebirth
Maximum number of rebirths = 500
Start on November 22, 2019 at 19:00 GMT+3
Линейдж 2 классик Мультипроффа - новое поколение Lineage серверов
Классик Мультипроффа - первый сервер Линейдж Классик 2,9 с Мультипроффой и Перерождениями, Classic MultiProff
Rate EXP - x10
Rate SP - x10
Adena - x5
Drop - x2
Quest - x2
Spoil - x3
Raid Boss Drop - x1
Epic Boss Drop Rate - x1
Rate Quest Drop - x2
Inventory Size Increased to 200
Maximum Tolerance Modifier - x10
Maximum enchantment: weapon 35, armor 25, jewelry 25
Safe enchantment +3 (Full Armor +4)
Bonus for enchantment from a prem account 2%
You can learn all the skills from any profession
The maximum number of skills that can be learned per character = 500
In the main profession, skills are learned automatically
Professionals are taken in alt + b
Buff time increased
Weapon restrictions removed on all buffs:
Ability to use dance with any weapon
Ability to use totems with any weapon
Setting and changing rebirth
Maximum number of rebirths = 500