Recent content by L2FamilyDS

  • Here can be your text advertising (available styles: Block, Scrolling, Floating, Fixed.) Contact us for price and more info. Our contacts click here
    The end of the year is a time of year for remembrance. We take stock of where we came from, and have a moment to think about where we are going, as we pursue the future with hope. May your new year be all that you hope for, and may it be sprinkled with love and friendship. L2jTop team wish you Happy Holidays!
  • Dear members and visitors, we are moving on new domain L2JTOP.COM and have made many changes in website scripts and design. If you are using our API, you must change the API URL on your server (the API key is the same, you don’t need to change, but please take a moment to check). If you have any issue dont hesitate to contact with us. For any bug report you will be rewarded with 30 days premium on your server.
    Our contacts click here
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    Server is LIVE. Join now a truly free to play server with no donations shop, no pay 2 win items or features. Not another 2 weeks server. No corrupted admins. Retail like PvP without mana potions.(mana potions works only on farm). JOIN NOW :
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    Grand opening on 30th October. Don't miss it. Be part of the story, don't hear the story. Website: Discord:
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    Halloween gift Accounts created between 30th October and 2th November will receive in their inventory the following transformation: "Halloween Transformation Stick - 7 Day limited period".
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    We make the latest changes in the server settings and prepare it for live. Until the live server, test server will remain open but with lower rates and with gm shops that will be on live. Grand opening on 30.10.2020 - 18:00 GMT+1. Until then don't forget to vote for us.
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    Epic weapons added as drop as follows: ➱ Darion - Hellbalde ➱ Yehan Klodekus & Yehan Klanikus - Blood Brother ➱ Tiat - Claw of Destruction ➱ Aenkinel - Blades of Delusion ➱ Zaken - Butcher's Blades ➱ Immortal Savior Mardil - Mardil's Fan
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    Last week of Beta testing. Live on 30.10.2020. New optional interface added to download on our website. Website: Discord:
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    Full Features Server features - Exp. 7x, sp 7x, drop 5x, adena 3x, spoil 3x, raid boss 3x, quest 3x - Weight limit 5x - Auto learn skills (except forgotten scrolls) - Auto learn Divine Inspiration - Champions monsters with Gold Einhasad drop (max lv. 76) - Champions shop with hair accessories...
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    HighFive [L2J] L2Family - Dark Saga 7x unique features

    Website: Discord: OPEN BETA until 25.10.2020 LIVE on 30.10.2020 7x High Five server Low rate High Five l2j server with some mid rate features for more fun and an easier gameplay. We promise you a long term server without any items or...